Sunday, December 28, 2008
Where is My Worth?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Irrational Fears and Aversions I Have

Why my office is like The Office
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Thoughts
Thursday, November 6, 2008
To Lighten the Mood..

Top Five Office Quotes That Make Me Happy :o)
Kelly: Oh my god, I have so much to tell you!
Jim: Really?
Kelly: Yes! Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? — they had a baby and they named it Suri. And then Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they had a baby, too, and they named it Shiloh. And both babies are a-mazing.
Jim: Great. What’s new with you?
Kelly: I just told you.
Andy: I’m always thinking one step ahead. Like a carpenter that makes stairs.
Angela: How do you tell someone it’s over? You send them a notarized letter, right? Well what if the recipient is your notary?
Dwight: I would remove your teeth and cut off your fingertips so you could not be identified. And they would call me the Overkill Killer.
Pam: Michael. Do you remember you specifically told me to bring one sheet of paper. You said it only takes one sheet to make a difference. I said, ‘are you sure Michael?’ And you said, ‘Pam! Pam! Pam!’ And then you sneezed in my tea and then you said, ‘don’t worry it’s just allergies.’ Do you remember that?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Why I am Opposed to Obama
Can you tell me why you are so opposed to Obama? I voted for him, but I wouldn't have been devastated if McCain won either - especially because I really supported him in 2000 (I just really don't like Sarah Palin). Really, don't you think ANYONE would be better than Bush? I like him even less than Palin!
I'm just struggling to find the severe disconnect that people like you have with the Obama movement. Would you feel just as opposed to a Hillary Clinton presidency?
I really want to hear from you because I think you are a rational person, unlike some nuts who seemingly fell head first into the Kool-Aid with his arms and legs tied to cinder blocks. I'm just really interested in hearing your perspectives and reasoning.
I hope you are open to sharing this with me. I hope you are well! (Outside of this, of course)
My biggest issue with Obama is his economic policy. I am very opposed to the "spread the wealth around" mentality. It upsets me that my parents will be punished because they worked hard, served in the military and combat for 20+ years, and invested wisely. Because they are not "middle class", they will be be punished through higher taxes that will go to fund programs that will most likely help out people who aren't working for the benefits they are reaping. I realize that is a generalized statement but still mostly true, I believe. I am all for helping out people in need, I would just prefer to get to decide where my money goes.
We are all going to get punished when he taxes businesses- that is going to flow down and result in the our companies not being able to give us higher raises, taking away benefits, etc so we will have less to spend on the economy. Trickle down economics doesn't work when the top doesn't have the money to spend.
I am also conservative when it comes to social/moral issues like abortion, gay marriage, etc. I cannot believe how liberal Obama is in his stance on abortion. Yes, he has said he wants to reduce abortion but he also has said that one of the first things he wants to do is pass the Freedom of Choice Act (see
It also upsets me that he will have the opportunity to appoint 2-3 Supreme Court Justices and he has said that he wants judges
"who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it’s like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that’s the criteria by which I’m going to be selecting my judges."
That is not justice. He is going to appoing judges based on how they "feel" about these things versus their ability to interpret the constitution and I am not okay with that. Ultimately he thinks the constitution is not living enough - he thinks it should mold to the times - the ebs and flows of culture and morality. When you throw away the standards and foundation of our country - you are playing with fire.
There are many other things about his policies that concern me but this is already getting pretty long :o)
One other thing is that I think it is alarming how little he was tested by the media. I think they have really swept under the rug his past associations with severely leftist people (Wright, Ayers, Khalidi, Rezko, etc); the discrepancy over his birth certificate; the LA Times video that they refuse to release, and their overall love affair with him - their job is to dig that stuff up and expose it and they failed.
To answer your question - I don't think I would be as upset if it were Hillary moving into the White House because Obama is far more left-thinking than she is and with the Democratic control of the House and Senate on his side, he has the potential to do some damage to our personal liberties and culture of life. I don't think I would be happy about Hillary but I wouldn't feel as scared as I do right now.
I think we are in a historic time for sure and I am very happy that America has it's first black president. I just fear that many people got so caught up and fell in love with that possibility that they chose the wrong man.
Maybe he will do a great job. I hope he does. I hope I am wrong and that my fears are unfounded. But when I look at his voting record and his stance on the issues, I can't help but feel that America doesn't realize the kind of change we could be in for. In four years we could have less personal liberties, higher taxes, a worse economy, and a leftist government leading us towards capitalist socialism. And I don't think that is the America we are fighting for.
I do think the Republicans deserved to lose after the last 8 years. I don't know that McCain would have done much better but I don't think he had the potential to change the moral and economical direction of the country as much as Obama. But we'll see.
So hopefully that didn't sound too much like Kool-Aid induced writing :o) This the first election I have really taken the time to think through each of the issues and why i agree or don't agree.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to tell you my thoughts. I appreciate your willingness to read (if you made it all the way down here) I would also love to hear yours if you feel like sharing them.
I hope you are doing well. I think you are Colorado :o) Go Broncos. Jay Cutler is my QB for Fantasy but he has not been treating me well the past few weeks.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Desert Island and Cuddling
Pam: Well I kind of like Legally...

2). Miriam Websters Dictionary: The biggest one. I can use the “X” and “Q” sections to build a fire and then have a “word of the day” for the rest of my life.
3). Harry Potter: I am assuming that by the time I get trapped on a desert island they will have published a book with all of the volumes in one. But if not then I will take #7 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – so I will always know how it ends.
Desert Island DVDs
1). Rocky 4: There are just so many good things about this Rocky movie I could go on forever. This would motivate me to work out and defeat any communists on the island.
2). Enchanted: B/c I will need background music and cheer in this lonely time.
3). Castaway: So I can follow Tom Hanks’ lead.
4). When Harry Met Sally: It’s a classic.
5). Varsity Blues: B/c I will need a Football Fix.
Who Would You Hold Special Hands and Cuddle With?
1). Brian Armstrong: My boo. He has to be first.
2). Rocky Balboa: "Yo JennyLynn - I did it."
3). Jim Halpert: We could prank our coworkers together...except we wouldn't have coworkers on a desert island. I think I'm getting my games mixed up.
4). Zack Morris: I love his stonewashed jeans tucked into stark white converse. And the way he pursued Kelly Kapowski.
5). Dr. McDreamy: It's the Hair.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back
What do you write about in a blog? For my first official post I will write in stream of consciousness format about three things I am currently obsessed with.
1). Fantasy Football and Picking Games Each Week: Who knew this could be so funn?? Who knew it was not as hard as it seemed the last three years. Who knew that I could be tied for second place in both leagues with just a little effort and the help of Yahoo Sports and Chris Cooley's blog??
Last week was a horrible week for me in terms of fantasy. I lost my game bad and had one player get me negative points. It is not looking much better b/c of bye weeks and injuries but I am a new coach and my goal is to have funn. However, Riddle me this - what is more funn than winning?
In terms of Picking Games for the "non-pool" (the only thing at stake is a Steak dinner) I am in - I am rocking it. I start with Cooley's picks as a base, then look at Vegas, Yahoo & ESPN expert picks, and then go to the male experts I know - Pat L., Dave C, and Brian my Boo, and get their input. And then I usually go with what Cooley says.
2). Tracking My Spending Habits: I started an excel spreadsheet last year to track my spending habits. I itemize into the following categories:
Yes. Target has it's own budget category. What can I say?
I figure out what percent each category has in my overall spending for the month. I will tell you that Target is generally 3%. I love that place. I have recently started comparing the categories for each month and averaging them so I can start a budget based on those averages.
I wish I was more Excel savvy b/c I would DOMINATE with charts and graphs. I am no financial planner but it is nice to be able to look back over the year and say that I have spent an average of 2.7% a month on sports or 52% on bills.
3). BRAVO Tv: I could watch Bravo 24 hours a day. Love it Love it Love it. I recently discovered the Rachel Zoe Project and could not turn it off. Project Runway and Top Chef are no-brainer favorites with public acclaim. But who knew the Real Housewives of Atlanta could be so captivating? Seriously, how can you turn off the TV when you find out that Kim spent $11,000 (yes, ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS) on her daughter's 12th birthday party??
And let's not forget Tabitha's Salon Takeover. It's like Super Nanny meets Jerry Springer. You laugh, they cry, and you walk out with a life changing final thought, "I'm glad I don't have a boss like that."
If I could have a fantasy football team made up of Bravo TV personalities my lineup would be:
QB – Tom Collichio, Top Chef – this Top Chef takes crap from no one. He will help you win but only b/c he’s getting paid.
RB – Heidi Klum, Project Runway – Klum is the perfect combination of style and sass. Say “Auf Wiedersehen” to this chick as she finds the holes in your scheme. With Heidi – you are always “out”. Let’s start the show...
WR - Kathy Griffin, My Life on the D-List – In T.O. fashion, Griffin is the perfect MediaHo, pulling crazy stunts like dating Adnan Galib and making everyone in the industry mad. You know you love to hate her.
TE – Tim Gunn, Project Runway – A versatile player. He can mentor. He can judge. He tells it like it is and will come through in a clutch....and let you know whether you should have been carrying that clutch at all...
Defense – The Real Housewives of Atlanta – You better watch out for these girls. They will eat you for breakfast...along with their mimosas.
K – Rachel Zoe, The Rachel Zoe Project – Roughing this little “lettuce cup” might snap her in half but she’ll “die” before she lets your team down.
That’s Bananas.